Speed ​​Up Windows 10 Boot

Published: September 15, 2022

Last Modified: February 26, 2023

Speed ​​Up Windows 10 Boot

Method 1: Startup Editing

The simplest advice, but still relevant for a huge number of users, is to study autoload. Often, people install various programs, not paying attention to the fact that they are registered at startup. Launching together with the system, they significantly slow down this process because their simultaneous launch, checking for updates at startup, requires more resources and time. Utilities such as CCleaner , various torrent clients, or even Yandex Browser get there .

Most often, programs that want to run on a computer are not required by the user on an ongoing basis, which means that there is no reason to allow them to open with a new session. We recommend that you remove everything from startup that you do not need every time you start Windows. Leave only what you always use and for which you are ready to sacrifice a slightly increased PC turn-on time. Various drivers, for example, software for a sound card, gaming keyboard, and mouse, should not be disabled.

Method 2: Enable or disable quick startup.

The “top ten” have a quick start function, which programmatically (using hibernation technology) speeds up the launch of Windows. In most cases, its inclusion is effective and demonstrates a decrease in the time spent on starting the PC. To enable it, do the following:

1. Expand “Start” and start typing “Control Panel” . Immediately from here, it is possible to go to the section “Power supply” . If you are used to launching the panel in a different way, go to the section through the list of its categories.

2. Through the left panel, switch to “Actions of the power buttons.”

3. Click on the link “Change settings that are currently unavailable” .

4. The option with fast startup enabled will become active. Check the box next to it and apply the changes. Pay attention to its description: it will only work if you use “Shutdown.” When “Reboot”, fast start does not work.

However, if you already have fast startup enabled, it may well not work properly due to some OS bugs. As an experiment, turn it off for one session, shut down and turn on the PC, thus checking if the startup time has changed.

Method 3: Hard disk upkeep

HDD owners who have never manually defragmented their drives and have their computers’ optimization turned off may experience severe fragmentation over time.It interferes with the normal operation of the drive, and accordingly, it can slow down the PC boot. Standard operating system tools and third-party software perform defragmentation. It should be understood that fragmentation will have a negative effect only if its percentage is high. If, after the analysis carried out before defragmentation, a small level of files broken into parts is found, you should be sure that the effect of the procedure in terms of starting the OS is not worth waiting for.

File system errors and bad sectors can also negatively affect the time it takes to start the system. Check if there is a problem with the HDD by following the instructions below.

Method 4: Make room on the SSD

Solid-state drives, which are increasingly installed in laptops and desktop PCs to replace (or next to) classic hard drives, can also start to slow down if they are packed to capacity with files. The peculiarity of the operation of this type of storage medium is such that the presence of a reserve allows the SSD to use it to even out the wear of memory blocks and replace failed ones with “healthy” ones. In the absence of at least 10–20% of free space, the quality of SSD operation can drop significantly. Free up space on the C drive using the system tools for this. To learn how to do this, read the article at the link below.

Method 5: Turn off Superfetch.

Although superfetch technology is aimed at speeding up performance, it only worsens the performance of the computer on not very productive assemblies. And although many articles advise leaving this service enabled, it is easy to conclude from user comments that it does not always work for good. Sometimes, turning it off allows you to resume normal turn-on speed. Learn more about this service to understand what we generally suggest deactivating.

Try turning it off for 1-2 sessions by turning off and on the PC to check. Of course, if there is no increase in download speed, you can turn it back on.

Method 6: Update the motherboard driver

Without up-to-date and genuine drivers, normal operation of the computer is impossible. In particular, a missing driver for the chipset present on the motherboard can affect the problem with a long start of the PC. In this case, we strongly recommend downloading it exclusively from the manufacturer’s website, and not through third-party programs such as Driver Pack Solution .

  1. First of all, find out the model of your motherboard. If you have a laptop, you need to know the exact model instead. You can do this from the articles on the links below. The instructions for determining the model are considered using the example of a device from DNS, but it is fully applicable to other brands.
  2. Go to the official website of the manufacturer of the motherboard or laptop. There, depending on the site itself, you will find the sections “Support” , “Support” , “Drivers” , “Drivers” or something similar. For example, on an HP laptop, this is “Support” > “Programs and Drivers” .
  3. Enter the exact model or serial number.
  4. Find the “Chipset” or “Chipset” tab and download the latest software (some files may not be the main drivers, as you can see in the screenshot below, where the penultimate file from the list is selected, not the last one).
  5. If this option is not available, look for proprietary software through which all driver updates are installed. For the same HP, this is the HP Support Assistant program.
  6. Install the driver by any available method, restart the computer, and check if the problem in question has disappeared.

Method 7: Turn off AMD ULPS.

This method applies to devices with two installed video cards, one of which is from AMD. One of the functions of discrete graphics is ULPS, which is responsible for the transition to ultra-low power consumption. The result is sometimes not only lags and breaks, for example, in games, but also a longer exit from sleep mode, when rebooting or after completely shutting down the PC. Its work is disabled through the registry editor.

  1. Press the key combination Win + R and write the command in the window regedit, then click on the button “OK” .
  2. If a transition is made to a section on the left side, switch the selection to “Computer.”
  3. Simultaneously press the keys Ctrl + F and in the search box type “EnableUlps”. Confirm with the button “Find next” .
  4. Wait for the search to complete and, if the parameter is found, double-click on it.
  5. Change the value from “1” to “0”, then apply the changes.
  6. To check the effectiveness, you should start a new session. If this does not help, return the value “1” by the same steps.

Method 8: Clear the BIOS settings

The system boot could be slow after some changes made to the BIOS or other errors in it. If you are sure that after the reset you will be able to enter the BIOS again and set the desired settings, follow this method. For example, after resetting many old BIOSes, the mode of connecting a hard drive to the motherboard returns to IDE, although the user set (or was set to) AHCI. Due to a change in disk connection mode, an already installed window will not start. For beginners who do not understand what we are talking about, or who do not know how to change these modes, as well as some other parameters that affect the performance of a PC and Windows, it is not recommended to resort to a reset. After that, the computer may stop turning on at all, giving an error. Confident in your abilities—read about the options for resetting BIOS settings by clicking on one of the links below.

Method 9: Restore Windows 10.

Sometimes a drop in download speed is directly related to recently installed system updates. It’s no secret that every major (and not-so) Windows update is often accompanied by bugs and stability issues, and one of the manifestations of these problems is slow startup. Try rolling back to the previous update and waiting for Microsoft to fix the bug so you can reinstall the update in the future.

Sometimes, even through a thorough enumeration of solutions, it is not possible to identify the reason why the operating system is turned on very slowly. Unfortunately, there are many non-obvious reasons that cause this problem, and if it is not possible to contact a competent person who would professionally find the source of the problem, the last software method remains-resetting the settings. In this case, Windows will be returned to its original state with some personal files preserved or deleted. The reset method is chosen by the user himself, and the article at the link below will help him decide.

Method 10: Virus scan

Viral or simply unwanted software can load the computer at the stage of turning on the operating system without showing itself in any other way. As a rule, miners work in this way, taking away part of the hardware resources, which affects not only the launch of the OS but also its performance in general. Therefore, no matter how primitive this recommendation may seem, we advise you not to neglect it and scan the system. This is done both by the antivirus built into the top ten and by special scanners that do not require installation. This is detailed in the material at the following link.

Method 11: Replacing the Drive

Even if you install a clean window or follow all the previous recommendations, the download speed will still be limited by hardware capabilities. A slow hard drive or solid state drive will, in any case, significantly slow down startup, which is why no optimization of the operating system will help.

HDD stands for hard disk drive.

Quite often, budget laptops or ready-made PC builds are equipped with quiet but slow hard drives with a speed of 5400 rpm. They are well suited for storing files, but reading and writing to them will be slow-this is also noticeable during other everyday tasks: everything opens slower than we would like, the system “thinks” for a long time and does not respond very quickly to user requests. Finding out the speed of a disk is easy—just use, for example, the CrystalDiskInfo program.

The necessary information is in the field “Speed of rotation” .

The situation with slow loading of Windows due to the hard drive can be successfully solved by installing an SSD. And the HDD can be left as a second drive, where all resource-intensive files and games that will not fit on a small SSD can be stored.

If you have no desire to purchase an SSD but a slow hard drive also does not suit you, choose an intermediate option-a 7200 rpm HDD.

Solid State Drive (SSD)

SSDs bought a long time ago with outdated production technology will begin to lose performance after a few years. This also applies to very cheap Chinese SSDs or eMMC drives in ultra-budget laptops. Accordingly, the download speed even with an almost empty drive will be low, and the trend will only worsen over time. A drop in this indicator of SJS over time is inevitable, and this is how its “dying” manifests itself. Measure the speed of the SSD and compare it with the one declared by the manufacturer—for this, it is enough to find information about the device model on the Internet. If the difference is noticeable and subsequent measurements after a while show a steady drop in read and write speeds, then it’s time to think about buying a new device.

However, the SSD does not always work slowly because its resources are running out. There are a number of other reasons for unsatisfactory speed.

Why are SSDs so slow?

If, however, you find out through experience that you need to replace your SSD, check out the following guide to help you decide on a new purchase.

Method 12: Disable HDD 

In computers where an SSD and an HDD are installed, the latter occasionally causes a boot problem. It can occur due to poor SMART status or other problems, and to check if this is the case, we suggest disconnecting the cables going to the motherboard and power supply from the hard drive. Naturally, this must be done on a previously de-energized PC. Once the shutdown has been successful, press the power button on the system unit.

For a hard drive that turned out to be problematic, the first step is to inspect the SATA cable for external damage and test it by switching, for example, from an SSD or using any other device (ask a friend for a while or purchase a replacement). Be sure to scan the disk for errors and bad sectors by following the instructions in Method 3 of this article. If, even after eliminating bad sectors, they continue to appear, it is urgent to buy a replacement HDD since this behavior means that the current device is failing.

Additional Information

Keep in mind that sometimes Windows 10 takes a long time to load due to updates being installed. They can be installed even after several turns on the computer in a row, especially if the user has not downloaded updates for a long time. Check through “Settings” > “Update and security” whether some updates are downloading now, and if so, you should not worry about the increased PC start-up time-as soon as the updates are installed, the PC’s turn-on speed will normalize.

In addition, automatic system maintenance is enabled by default in the OS, and sometimes it is this that leads to one-time slowdowns in Windows boot. Therefore, if this happens occasionally, there is no reason to worry and look for a reason.

On the Internet, you can also stumble upon the following tips that supposedly speed up system startup: disabling services and editing msconfig. This does not work!

  • Disabling services will not reduce the load on the OS and will not help it boot faster. Of course, if there are not many unwanted programs such as optimizers, Such advice may have been given in older versions of Windows and on very weak computers, but even if you disable all services except the most important ones, you will not notice a significant increase in startup time.And their rash shutdown completely leads to errors in the system.
  • Editing msconfig, the wonders of which are already legendary, does not change anything at all. For uninformed users, it is believed that the options marked in the screenshots below are turned off by default, which means that Windows intends to limit the speed of the PC when it is turned on. In fact, the system always uses as many cores and RAM as needed to solve a specific task. And the restrictions that are set are needed only for testing, for example, by developers.
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