Site SEO optimization with the SiteChecker service

Published: April 9, 2023

Last Modified: July 8, 2023

Site SEO optimization with the SiteChecker service

Not everyone who has their own website imagines how to optimize it promotion in search engines. Moreover, some methods of SEO optimization are relevant today, others tomorrow, and even for knowledgeable webmasters, it is not always obvious what to focus on.

How to be Hiring an SEO specialist to promote a site is expensive, and it will take a long time to comprehend this science yourself since experience plays a big role here. I will recommend you a good service for a whole list of parameters that will analyze your resource, show existing errors, and give recommendations that are easy to install on your own.

SiteChecker allows you to conduct an online SEO audit of the entire site as a whole as well as check individual URLs.

I’ll immediately note one “piquant” feature of the service, which confused me a little. The development team, judging by the names, is Russian-speaking. The main page and reviews of people are also in Russian. But it is worth going to some internal pages or viewing reports; everything is in English.

Some pages are completely built on a combination of Russian and English text. Why this is so is completely incomprehensible. So if you do not speak English, be prepared for the fact that you will have to use a translator.

So, what tools are in the suite? There are quite a few of them:

  • SEO audit of the entire site
  • Checking resource positions by key (once or on a regular basis)
  • Backlink analysis (once or on a regular basis)
  • audit of individual pages
  • Site traffic check
  • Monitoring critical site SEO events

I will not dwell on the description of each tool since a separate article should be devoted to any of them. It’s better to use the example of my site to show how you can use SiteChecker as a kind of quick checklist for SEO optimization.

So, on the main page of the service in the window, specify the address of your resource and click the “Analyze” button.

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In the report, you will see the rating of the site (Website Score), which is a kind of indicator of its health. On a free plan, the service analyzes only 150 pages of the site, but even this number will be enough to assess its general condition.

Found problems will be marked in the report in different colors, depending on the degree of importance:

  1. Red: critical. They have the biggest impact on SEO.
  2. Yellow are warnings. They are not critical, but it is desirable to correct them.
  3. Blue: comments They have the lowest priority importance.

What problems does SiteChecker find on the site? In my case, these were:

  • Description: missing or too short
  • H1 tag: duplicates, title match, few characters
  • URL and canonical URL mismatch
  • Matches H1 and Title
  • Long URLs
  • Title: too short or too long
  • Pages with nofollow and noindex
  • 301 redirects

Some of the problems found on my site are relate to the specifics of the WordPress engine, and I can’t influence them in any way; for example, duplicate H1s on pagination pages. Yes, and how much it can be written down as a problem if these pages hidden from indexing is also a good question. In any case, it’s worth knowing about such “jambs” on your site.

Click on the number of pages found for any issue and you will betaken to the list of pages. The free plan only displays five URLs; you’ll have to pay to see the rest.

In the report for a specific page, you will find a report on its audit. Here again, the display of a part of the report is blurred; this means that to gain access to this part of the report, you need to buy some kind of tariff plan.

Summing up, I want to note that with the help of the SiteChecker online service, a webmaster can assess the level of SEO optimization of his site. Access to full reports requires payment, but even a general idea of the technical “health” of the resource on the example of individual pages will be useful, especially for those who are not very experienced in SEO but have a desire to improve their site.

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