How to connect to a local network in Windows 10

Published: October 16, 2022

Last Modified: February 26, 2023

How to connect to a local network in Windows 10

Method 1: Through the list of available networks

If the local network to which you want to connect your computer is wireless, the easiest way to connect to it is from the panel with a list of available Wi-Fi networks.

  • To view the list of available networks, click on the network connection icon in the system tray.
  • If the status of the wireless network is “Disabled” , most likely you have Wi-Fi discovery turned off. Turn it on by immediately clicking the Wi-Fi tile .
  • The network adapter will automatically detect available wireless networks; select the one you need and click the “Connect” button . You can also check the option “Connect automatically” so that the next time the computer is turned on, it will automatically connect to this network.
  • If the network is password protected, you will be prompted to enter it, after which you will be connected.

Method 2: Network connection

You can use the Ethernet interface to connect to a local network without entering a login and password. To do this, you need a network cable with RJ45 connectors on both ends.

  • Connect the router and your computer with a network cable. Connecting to the network should be done automatically. If it doesn’t, follow the steps below.
  • Open “Network Connections” , for which press Win + R and execute the command ncpa.cpl in the dialog box that opens .
  • Open the properties of the Ethernet network adapter you are using by double-clicking on it or from its context menu.
  • In the properties window that opens, find the item “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” , select it, and click the “Properties” button .
  • In the properties window, enable the options “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically.” Save your settings.

After that, the network adapter will receive an IP address directly from the router.

Connecting to other devices on the network

If you want the computer to be able to communicate with other devices on the local network, you will need to change the network profile type and check that the sharing settings are correct.

  • Open the Settings app , go to Network and Internet  Status, and click the Properties button .
  • In the Network Profile window, select Private .
  • In the “Network and Internet” section, switch to the “Wi-Fi” or “Ethernet” tab (depending on the type of connection) and click the link “Change advanced sharing settings” .
  • Make sure that the “Private” network profile is set to ” Turn on network discovery” and “Turn on file and printer sharing” .

After saving the settings, you will be able to connect not only to the access point of the local network but also to other computers that are on this network, provided that network discovery is also enabled on them.

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