Disable comments on Facebook posts

Published: May 11, 2022

Last Modified: March 5, 2023

Disable comments on Facebook posts

On the official website and mobile app of the social networking site Facebook, there are many ways to interact with other users, including the ability to comment on various posts. However, this feature can only be disabled by default in certain places in the resource or by meeting certain conditions. In the next tutorial, we’ll show you how to do this on different pages in multiple versions of your website.

Method 1: Group Posts

On Facebook, the only place where you can completely restrict the ability to comment on certain posts on the feed is in groups. It’s only possible to be a “collaborator” if you’re in one of the leadership roles, not just on the roster . .

Option 1: Website

The desktop version of Facebook allows you to disable comments on group wall posts through the post management menu. Note that this option is only available for individual posts, and comments cannot be disabled entirely.

    1. The first thing to do is to open the tab “Groups”. Use the top menu or left side of the home page, and “Control groups.” Select the desired community.
  • On the main community page, open the “Discussion” tab . and find the desired publication. If necessary, use search and sort by tags.
  • To restrict the functionality in question, click the icon “…” in the upper right corner of the registration form and select “Turn off comments.” through this menu This will trigger the notification and the corresponding text box below the post will disappear.

    If desired, you can expand the same menu again in the future and use the option “Include comments.” to unlock this feature.


Note that enabling or disabling is a complete activity, so «new action» when ordering. The entry will scroll to the top of other posts.

Option 2: Mobile App

The process of disabling comments using the Facebook app is not much different from the website. This action is only available in the official client of the phone, and the normal phone version only provides limited functionality without the necessary tools.

  1. First, you must be in a group you control. To do this, use the navigation bar to expand the main menu and go to “Groups”. .

    At the top of the page, click “Their Groups.” The corresponding list appears. All that remains is to select the desired option from the block «Managed groups» .

  2. Once on the community home page, scroll through the list of posts to find the post for which you want to disable comments. Don’t forget the tags and search options.
  3. Touch the icon of the three horizontal dots in the upper right corner of the desired location and select “Close comments.” from the menu shown below There is no need to confirm this action.

    If done correctly, it will not be possible to add new posts under posts, even for group admins. Meanwhile, the old stalls will remain intact and must be cleaned manually if necessary.

Just like on the FB site, you can change the settings again via the same menu at any time to unlock comments. Usually the task in both cases is very easy and doesn’t cause any problems.

Method 2: Personal Posts

Unlike many other social networks such as VK, where comments on personal pages can be disabled, or all at once, on Facebook they are not. Meanwhile, the commenting feature is only implemented for publicly available messages, which in turn creates at least some limitations.

Option 1: Website

When using the Facebook website, comments on individual page posts can be disabled through the privacy settings. However, keep in mind that there is no way to get rid of this option completely.

  1. Open the website’s main menu by clicking the arrow icon in the upper-right corner of the window and select “Settings & Privacy”. .

    From the other checklists in the same box, go to Settings. .

  2. Using the section list on the left side of the browser window, open the tab labeled “Publicly Available Publications”. .
  3. Scroll down the page to the block “Comments on Publicly Available Publications” and left-click on the link opposite “Edit” .
  4. Expand the drop-down list here and select the option that works best. The highest invisibility is guaranteed by the value of “friends”. .

    After these actions, the new settings will be applied automatically and the annotations available to all users on posts that were not previously hidden by all privacy settings will disappear. For friends, however, everything continues as before.

  5. Finally, you can access one more section “Privacy”. в “Settings”. And online “Who can see your future publications?” set “Friends”. “Only me”. This will restrict access to recordings and comments accordingly.
  6. If necessary, you can change its visibility from an entry’s timeline by clicking the icon “…” in the corner of the desired post and selecting “Edit Audience”. .
  7. Specify an option. “just me”. Therefore, the possibilities discussed will be limited. Unfortunately, the same goes for the visibility of the post itself.

As mentioned, the guidelines only allow you to hide comments if you follow certain conventions. In all other cases, nothing will be done.

Option 2: Mobile App

The official Facebook mobile client is no different from the PC version in terms of hiding comments, but requires a slightly different operation due to the different interface. However, these instructions do not only apply to the app, but also to a stripped-down version of the site.

  1. Go to the Facebook app and display the main menu. This list should scroll to the end.

    Touch the item “Settings and Privacy” and use the drop-down menu to go to “Settings”. .

  2. On the page provided, find the block “Privacy”. Then click on that row. “Public Access Publications” .
  3. Here you have to change the value in the subsection “Comments on Publicly Available Publications” en “Friends”. You can also choose other options.
  4. After saving the new setting to disable it, just make the post hidden from specific audiences. To do this, open the page’s timeline, select an entry by clicking on the ellipsis in the upper right corner, and use the option “Edit Privacy Settings”. .
  5. Choose any appropriate value, making sure to take into account the parameters previously set for the annotation. For efficiency, you can use “only me”. list of. “add” .
  6. You can also restrict access to posts and discussions when creating new posts. To do this, click the button below the page name when creating an entry and select the appropriate option.

The steps considered should be enough to disable comments on Facebook completely.

Method 3: Restrict Users

If you don’t want to set a global limit on the visibility of your Timeline posts, but comments are still disabled, you can do something else by blocking one or more users from your friends list. Fortunately, Facebook owns not only all of the blocks, but some of them. You can find more details in our separate tutorial.

Method 4: Delete Comments

A final method that allows you to hide comments, rather than disable them entirely, is to delete related posts. It is available in any version of the site, but only if you are the author of the publication.

Option 1: Website

  1. On the FB website, find the desired comment and click the three-dot button next to it.
  2. Use this menu to select Delete. And perform confirmation via popup window.

    If done correctly, the comment will disappear from the post immediately.

Option 2: Mobile App

  1. Open the page’s timeline, find the desired entry, and click the link “Notes.” above the button. “what” . After that, you also have to search for the message you want to delete.
  2. Press and hold the function block for the selected input for a few seconds until the control menu appears at the bottom of the screen. From this list, do the following “Delete”. .
  3. Confirm that this is done, and the message should disappear.

There are many ways to hide comments on Facebook, each of which can be successful if you take into account all the peculiarities of the social network. Even if something goes wrong, you can delete individual messages at any time.