How to set up the ASUS WL-520gU router, step-by-step

Published: September 8, 2022

Last Modified: February 11, 2023

How to set up the ASUS WL-520gU router, step-by-step

Hi all! Today we will be configuring the ASUS WL-520gU router. You should not be afraid, everything is done quite easily, and now you will see for yourself. If you have it brand new, then it’s time to pull it out of the box and start setting it up. First, let’s get to know him so that in the future you have as few questions as possible.

I will try to tell as clearly as possible, but if you have any questions or an error comes out, the Internet will not work, then immediately write in the comments.

Indicators and connections

Turn it to face you and take a look at the indicators, or the so-called light bulbs. They will signal the correct or incorrect operation of the router, so you need to be familiar with them right away.

  1. power-the router is turned on or off.
  2. AIR is the work of Wi-Fi.
  3. WAN-Internet.
  4. LAN1–LAN4—connects devices via cable to local ports.

If everything is clear and understandable here, then if the indicator is on or flashing, then work is in progress in this environment, and information is being transmitted. If the indicator is off, then there is some problem with this line.

Now, let’s get acquainted with all the ports and buttons of the device:

  1. An ANT is an antenna. We only have one.
  2. EZStup-key to launch the EZStup utility.
  3. Restore—a button to reset the router to factory settings. If you received it from a friend or a stranger, then you should hold down this button for 10 seconds with the router turned on.
  4. LAN1-LAN4: Here you can connect any local device: computer, laptop, camera, printer, TV. To do this, we use a regular network cable. One is in the box. To configure, I will use the local direct connection and connect the laptop to the first port.
  5. WAN: Here you need to connect a cable from a provider or from an ADSL modem.
  6. USB-for connecting a 3G or 4G modem and a storage device.
  7. DC ln-power. Connect the power supply here.


  1. After you have connected to the ASUS WL-520gU router using a cable, From a laptop or computer, you need to launch a browser and enter the following in the address bar: Next, on both lines, enter: admin. If the password does not match, then reset the Keenetic again to the factory configuration.
  1. To configure the Internet, open the “Advanced settings” tab, then go to “WAN”. Now you need to get a contract from the provider-the type of connection will be indicated there, and you may also need to specify additional data. So we select the “Type of WAN connection”: dynamic IP, PPPoE, PPPTP, L2TP, or static IP. If the contract says nothing at all, then most likely your provider uses a “dynamic IP”. In other cases, you need to specify only what is specified in the contract and leave the rest of the lines with default values or empty.
  2. After you make changes, be sure to click on the “Apply” button.


Most often, you only need to enter a username and password.

PPTP and L2TP.

First, we specify the IP address, mask, and IP of the main gateway, and only then enter the username and key. 

Static IP

Here you need to specify only the address data: IP, mask, and gateway.

Additional information

Sometimes you also need to specify DNS addresses. You just enter them from the sheet. But as I said, if they are not specified, then we leave the data by default. This also applies to other information in the settings.

WiFi setup

“Advanced settings”—”Wireless network”. Now, to change the WiFi name in the “SSID” line, enter a new value (the name can be anything). Next, to set a password in the “Authentication Method” line, specify the type “WPA2-Personal”. To set a password, enter a value in the “WPA Preshared Key” line. Click “Apply.”

Changing the administrator password

As a security measure, you should change the default password for the Web interface. To do this, go to the “Administration” section in the same place, then to the “System” tab. Enter the new password twice and click Apply.

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