Enable IPv6 on an ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network

Published: March 9, 2023

Last Modified: April 11, 2023

How to enable IPv6 on an ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network

IP addresses are vital to the Internet and all networks in the world. IPv6 addresses, especially since the world has run out of IPv4 addresses. Without them, we would not be able to transfer data between our devices and use the ever-expanding Internet. Most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) around the world offer IPv6 Internet addresses for all of their customers, and enabling them is a great idea. If you have an ASUS router or mesh Wi-Fi system, here’s how to enable IPv6 on it and set up an IPv6 Internet connection:

IMPORTANT: This guide should only be followed after your ASUS router is connected to the Internet and Wi-Fi is working well in your home using IPv4 addresses. If your WAN connection is not configured correctly, you should not enable IPv6 on your router.

If you’re curious about the benefits of using IPv6 addresses for all devices on the Internet, Facebook has published an interesting study done on the topic: IPv6: It’s Time to Get Involved .

Step 1. Log in to your ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network.

On your PC or device, open your favorite browser and go to router.asus.com or your router’s IP address. On newer models, the default IP address is Older ASUS routers use the IP address Then enter your username and password and click or tap Sign in .

Sign In

Step 2. Navigate to the IPv6 settings on your ASUS router.

When you see the admin interface of your ASUS router, look for the Advanced Settings section on the left sidebar. Find an entry named IPv6 and click or tap it.

Navigate to the IPv6

IMPORTANT: If you do not see the IPv6 section , your ASUS router may not support IPv6 addresses, or you may need the latest firmware to add this feature. If you have checked for new firmware and your ASUS router does not have IPv6 settings , it is an old model that does not work with this type of IP address.

Step 3: Configure the IPv6 settings on your ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network.

After selecting IPv6 on the left, go to the IPv6 tab on the right. Click or tap the Connection type drop-down list and select the desired connection type .

Configure the IPv6

Depending on your particular router, you will see a longer or shorter list of connection types. However, for most people, the following options should be used:

  • If you have a PPPoE Internet connection like I do, you should choose Native .
  • If you have a static IP Internet connection, you should select Static IPv6 .
  • If you have an automatic IP connection to the Internet, you should select Passthrough .

Depending on this choice, you get different configuration options. But before dwelling on each of them in detail in the following subsections, let’s briefly describe the other connection types available in the drop-down list, which are generally used only in business networks:

  • FLET’S IPv6 service is a special type of IPv6 PPPoE Internet connection that uses the same PPPoE connection method as IPv4 FLET services. Users configure their ASUS router using an IPv4 PPPoE account and password. Setting up an IPv4/IPv6 dual stack environment requires PPPoE settings for both IPv4 and IPv6.
  • Tunnel 6in4 is a tunneling protocol that encapsulates IPv6 packets in specially configured IPv4 links. The 6in4 packet format consists of an IPv6 packet preceded by an IPv4 packet header. When using this option, you need to provide static IP addresses for the server and client communicating through this tunnel.
  • Tunnel 6to4 is a system that allows IPv6 packets to be sent over an IPv4 network without the need to set up explicit tunnels, as is the case with Tunnel 6in4 .
  • Tunnel 6rd is an extension of the Tunnel 6to4 feature that allows an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide IPv6 unicast service to customers over its IPv4 network using IPv6 to IPv4 encapsulation.

Step 3.1. Set up standard IPv6 connections on your ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network.

If you have a PPPoE Internet connection, all you have to do is select ” Native ” from the ” Connection Type” drop-down list and click or tap ” Apply “.

Set up standard IPv6 connections

Your ASUS router or mesh Wi-Fi system will reboot, apply your settings, and obtain an IPv6 address for your ISP.

Step 3.2. Set up static IPv6 connections on your ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network.

If you have an Internet connection with a static IP address, select Static IPv6 from the Connection Type drop-down list. Then you need to enter a lot of information such as the IPv6 address for your WAN connection, IPv6 gateway, IPv6 DNS servers and so on. You need to talk to tech support to get all this information so you can fill it out correctly.

When you are done entering everything, make sure that all IP addresses have been entered correctly and then click the Apply button. After rebooting the router, your IPv6 settings are applied.

Step 3.3. Set up IPv6 end-to-end connections on your ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network.

If your internet connection is using an automatically assigned IP address from your ISP, on the IPv6 tab, select Passthrough for the connection type.

Set up IPv6 end-to-end connections

No other settings need to be made. Just click Apply , wait for your router or Wi-Fi mesh to reboot and it will immediately get an IPv6 address.

How to make sure your ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network is using an IPv6 address

After you have made your settings, you can check if everything is working properly and if your ASUS router has an IPv6 address. To do this, launch your favorite web browser on a computer connected to the network controlled by your router and visit the Test Your IPv6 page . This site automatically checks if everything is working well and gives you a readiness score. If 10 out of 10, then everything is fine. 🙂

Test Ipv6 Connection

If it doesn’t, the site says it’s missing something on your IPv6 connection. This information can help you figure out what’s wrong and improve your IPv6 settings on your ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network.

Were you able to enable IPv6 on your ASUS router or Wi-Fi mesh network?

By the end of this guide, you should have an IPv6 internet connection enabled on your ASUS router. Let’s hope that everything worked well on the first try, and the website published earlier confirms that IPv6 is configured correctly. Before closing, please let me know if the IPv6 settings on your ASUS router are working properly and if you have any problems. Use the comment options below and let’s chat.

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