How to Create and Delete User Accounts in Windows 10 ?

How to Create and Delete User Accounts in Windows 10 ?

Whenever a new version of Windows comes out, it always makes some changes to the way you do simple things on your computer. Windows 10 is no exception, and you can expect a lot to change in the future as Microsoft gradually moves functionality from the classic Control Panel to the new Settings app. One current change, especially if you’re migrating from Windows 7, is User Account Management and Management in Windows 10.

Windows 10 changes how user accounts work.

 Microsoft’s latest version of Windows makes major changes. Guest accounts are gone, most accounts are tied to your online Microsoft account, and Windows 10 offers new permissions that can be used with individual accounts.

Setting up a basic account

Let’s start with the basics: how to add a standard new user account to an activated PC. In this article, we are assuming that you already have at least one account on your PC since you cannot complete the Windows 10 installation without it.

 To get started, click Start > Settings > Accounts > Family & Other People. This will take you to a screen where you can add new users. The default new user will be part of your family. If you and your roommate live on the same computer, you can differentiate by listing the roommate’s account in the “other people” section. We’ll cover adding non-family members to PC later.

First, let’s add a family member. Under the “Your Family” heading, click “Add Family Member.”


User (adult or child)

 A pop-up window will appear asking if you are adding a child or an adult. Child accounts can have privileges added or removed from their accounts, such as what apps they can use and how much time they can spend on the PC. Adults managing a child account can also view all of their child’s Windows activity by signing in to the Microsoft Accounts website. If this seems overwhelming or just scares you, then a child account might not be the best choice. Instead, you should consider using a local account instead of one linked to a Microsoft account.

Adult accounts, on the other hand, are regular private user accounts. Once again, they’re tied to a Microsoft account (you can also create a local adult account), but they have the usual rights and access to the full range of desktop apps. Adult accounts can manage child accounts but do not have administrator rights to make changes to the PC. This may be added later, however.

Account termination

 After selecting a child or adult account, enter the Hotmail or account that the user uses. If they don’t have one, you can create one on Windows by clicking on the link. The person I want to add doesn’t have an email address.

Once you have added your email address, click Next, and on the next screen, make sure you entered your email address correctly and click Confirm.

The invitation is sent

In this example, we have created an adult account. After clicking the confirm button, our new adult user will receive an email asking them to confirm that they are part of your “family”.

By accepting this invitation, they will be able to manage child accounts and view online activity reports. However, they can immediately start using the computer without accepting the invitation to join the family.

Inviting others

 Now that we have all the family members, what if we want to add someone who is not a family member? It could be a roommate, a friend who stays with you for a short time, or a crazy uncle who doesn’t need to see your child’s activity reports.

Regardless of the situation, start again by going to Start > Settings > Accounts > Family & Other PeopleNow, under the “Other people” subheading, click on “Add someone else to this PC.”

Same process, different popup

 A pop-up window will appear in the same way as in the previous process. However, you are no longer being asked to distinguish between a child or an adult user. Instead, you simply enter the new user’s email address and click Next.

After that, you will be good to go. The new account is fully configured. It is worth noting that when a user connects to a computer for the first time, they will need to connect to the Internet.

Assigned Access

Once you’ve added non-family members to your computer under the Other People heading, you can restrict their account using the Assigned Access feature. When user accounts are granted, they can only access one application at a time, and the choice of applications they can be assigned to is limited.

To do this, click Set up assigned access at the bottom of the account management screen in Start > Settings > Accounts > Family & Other People.

Choose an account and an app.

 On the next screen, select the account to which access will be restricted, and then select an app to specify which app they will have access to.Return to the previous screen or exit the Settings app.

Why is access restricted?

 This feature is specifically designed for computers that act as public terminals and thus typically require access to only one application. If you really want to limit someone to just using email or a music player like Groove, this feature can do just that.

But it’s really useless for a real person who needs to use a computer.

The only exception to this rule would be if you really want your home PC to be a public terminal. Let’s say, for example, that you want the guests at your next party to be able to choose the music that plays on your PC. But you’re nervous that all members can access private files on your computer.

Creating a designated access account that only uses Groove Music will offer a solution that will keep curious people from fussing around your PC while still providing free access to your Groove Music Pass subscription.

Disable assigned access.

If you want to turn off assigned access for a specific user, go to Start > Settings > Accounts > Family & other people > Set up assigned access. Then, on the next screen, click on the account to which access is assigned and click on Do not use assigned access.

If you want to log out of the assigned access account, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Delete.

Administrator access

There is one last setting you want to be aware of when creating user accounts. Here’s how to upgrade an account from a regular user to an administrator. Administrators are device-specific account privileges that allow the user to make changes to the PC, such as adding or removing other accounts.

To elevate a user in Windows 10, type User Accounts in the Cortana search box. Then select the “Control Panel” option that appears at the top of the results.

Control Panel

The control panel will open under User Accounts. From here, click on the link that says “Manage another account.” On the next screen, you will see all the users who have accounts on your PC. Click on the account you want to change.

Make changes.

 On the next screen, click Change account type.

Make admin

Now you will be taken to the last screen. Click the Administrator button, then the Change account type button. That’s all there is to it; the user is now an administrator.

Deleting a user account

 Now let’s see how to delete a user account.

The easiest way to delete an account is to go to Start > Settings > Accounts > Family & Other People. Then select the user you want to get rid of. If the user is in the Family section, you will see two buttons: Change account type and BlockSelect Block

One thing to keep in mind about the Lock for Family option is that you can quickly restore an account on your PC by selecting a user account. Then click Allow to allow this user to access the PC again as part of a family group.

Deleting “Other People”

In the Other People section, the two buttons are slightly different. Instead of blocking, the second button says “Delete.” When you choose Delete, a pop-up will appear warning you that deleting an account will delete that user’s personal files, such as documents and photos. If you want to keep this data, it is recommended that you first copy it to an external drive and then delete the account.

When you’re ready to remove your account, click Remove account and data. That’s all. The account has now been deleted.

Control panel method.

The second way to remove an account from a Windows 10 PC is through the Control Panel. To get started, type “user accounts” into the Cortana search box on the taskbar and select the User Accounts Control Panel option as we saw earlier.

When the Control Panel opens under User Accounts, click on Manage another account, and then on the next screen, select the user you want to get rid of.

We are now on the screen where you can manage the account in question. To the left of the user account image, you will see several options. What we want to select is, you guessed it, “Delete Account“.

Warning screen

A warning screen will appear, similar to the Settings app method. However, this time you have the option to actually delete the user account while keeping the user’s files intact. If you wish to do so, click Save Files. Otherwise, select Delete files.

Even if you choose to keep the files, it’s a good idea to back up those files to an external hard drive before deleting your account in case something goes wrong.

Delete account

Whether you choose to delete or keep the files, you will now be taken to a final screen asking if you really want to delete this account. If you are sure, click Delete Account. If not, click Cancel.

After you click Remove Account, you will be returned to the user screen in Control Panel and you will see that your local account is no longer there.

Just the basics

These are the main ways to set up and delete accounts in Windows 10. Also, check out our guide on how to create a local account in Windows 10 that is not tied to an online identity.

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