Why does my Windows 10 computer restart itself

Published: September 8, 2022

Last Modified: March 5, 2023

Why does my Windows 10 computer restart itself

Reason number one: Incorrect power settings

If some of the computer’s power settings have been changed in a way that does not suit the way the PC is used, the system may restart itself. First of all, check if the parameters are correct:

    1. Launch “Control Panel.” In Windows 10, this can be done in several ways, for example, through the system search bar.
    2. Select “Large Icons” or “Small Icons” from the View bar . Then go to the “Power Options” section .
    1. Click on the line “Setting the power plan” for the mode you are using.
    2. In the next window, click on the link “Change advanced power settings” .
    3. Find the “Processor Power Management” menu and expand it. The items with the minimum and maximum processor state must be set to 100%.
  1. Click the OK button to apply the settings.

Check if the problem with automatic restart is gone by testing the computer for a while. If this does not help, go to the next steps.

Reason 2: Graphics driver issue.

When errors occur in the software for some components, most often the graphics adapter, the PC may reboot itself at any time. It is advised to update the driver or, if a major failure occurs, reinstall it completely.

There are several ways to update your graphics card driver. For example, you can use proprietary solutions and software from the device manufacturer by visiting its official website and downloading the necessary software. This possibility is also provided by the standard means of the operating system. Special third-party programs have also been developed with which you can update drivers for all equipment installed on your PC. Our separate article has step-by-step instructions for updating the graphics adapter software in Windows 10.

If you decide to perform a full software reinstall, check out our guide explaining how to do it the right way. First you need to uninstall the old version to avoid a conflict, then install the driver from scratch.

Reason 3: Overheating of hardware components

Often, shutting down or restarting a PC is caused by the overheating of components connected to the motherboard. Most often, the CPU, power supply, or video card are exposed to the load. Our author considered how to measure the temperature of each device separately using special software.

We measure the temperature of the computer. 
There are special programs that check the temperature of the components on the motherboard. They differ in functionality. We have a separate article with a detailed description of such applications, as well as download links.

In addition, it is important for you to know what to compare the obtained temperature values with. Use one of the links below.

Operating temperatures and overheating of video cards 
The normal operating temperature of processors from different manufacturers 
Operating temperatures of different manufacturers of hard drives
If too high readings from the sensors are detected, it means that the computer itself is rebooting due to overheating. It is important to determine the cause of this behavior in order to properly troubleshoot the issue. Our guides cover the main ways to fix overheating on the video card and CPU. 
As you know, a common cause of overheating of computer parts is dust or dirt that has gotten into the case. It is recommended to periodically perform a complete cleaning of the components, and how to do this correctly, the author disassembled on our website in a separate instruction.

Proper cleaning of a computer or laptop from dust

Reason 4: Enabled automatic reboot

The operating system provides an automatic restart function when a critical error occurs in operation, which prevents damage to system files. But you can disable this feature.

  1. Open the Settings application by clicking on the Windows icon and selecting the appropriate item.
  2. Go to the “System” section .
  3. On the “About” tab, click on the link “Advanced system settings.”
  4. In the system window, on the “Advanced” tab, click on the button “Settings …” located in the block “Startup and Recovery” .
  5. Uncheck the box “Perform automatic restart” , then click on “OK.”

After that, the system will not restart itself if an unexpected error occurs. It’s best to avoid disabling this feature as it protects against more serious issues.

If the PC stopped restarting itself, then the reason for this behavior was probably frequent system crashes. In this case, it is recommended to check the device for errors related to software components. There are several methods to do this, using standard tools or third-party software. In our other material, effective methods for diagnosing Windows are analyzed.

Reason 5: Malware and Virus Activity

Due to viruses on the computer, system errors often occur, including frequent reboots without the user’s consent. To avoid getting malicious utilities into the system, you must install proven antivirus software for Windows .

It is recommended to use computer virus removal programs to scan your PC for malicious utilities and files. Such software is capable of identifying the threat itself, then eliminating it or suggesting further actions to the user with identified suspicious objects.

There are also other options for finding and removing viruses on a computer with Windows 10. You can use not only special utilities and full-fledged antiviruses from third-party manufacturers but also regular system tools. In our separate materials, we deal with all the ways to deal with such software.

Reason 6: An out-of-date BIOS version

The current version of the basic I/O system means that the PC is stable and correct, so it is recommended to keep track of its updates and install them as necessary. It is not necessary to contact a specialist for help since updating the BIOS can be done manually using a special utility built into the BIOS or done in an MS-DOS environment. Some manufacturers have provided the ability to download updates from official sites, so the procedure has been simplified several times. All methods are discussed on our website in more detail.

Despite the fact that updating the BIOS itself is a fairly simple procedure, it is important to handle it with all due care, otherwise the computer may completely stop starting. Therefore, it is recommended to use this method only for those users who are confident in their actions.

Reason 7: RAM errors

An arbitrary restart of a computer with Windows 10 often occurs due to sudden problems with the installed RAM. The OS provides a standard tool for troubleshooting RAM:

  1. Through the search in the “Start” menu, find the application “Windows Memory Checker” .
  2. In the new window, select one of the options: immediately restart the PC and check the system, or do it the next time you turn on the device.

In any case, you will have to wait until the end of the RAM check, after which it will become known if there are problems with it.

In addition to the built-in tool, you can use a third-party program that allows you to quickly check the status of the component. Such software is characterized by extended functionality compared to the standard Windows application, as well as detailed statistics. We can find a more detailed description of such software and download links.

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