Use Vidyo AI to create Tiktok, Reels, Shorts and long videos

Published: February 15, 2023

Last Modified: March 15, 2023

Use Vidyo AI to create Tiktok, Reels, Shorts and long videos

Automatic conversion of long videos to shorter formats such as clips for TikTok, reels, and shorts is now available thanks to the Vidyo AI neural network, which independently divides the source file into logical parts. The intuitive interface allows you to automatically download titles and enter text, but only in English. On a basic free account, you can process up to 75 minutes of video per month, and for more features, just open a paid account at a price of $30 per month.

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How to Convert Long Videos into Short Videos

1. Open a website. On the main page of the service, click “Start free trial,” and you will be asked to register.

2. We register using a Google account or another of the methods presented.

3. Next, you will be asked questions about what is closest to you from the presented options. Choose anything; this will not affect the process itself; this is done simply to collect information.4. When all questions are answered, your account will be ready. Click “Get started” in the highlighted popup.

5. In the top panel, select the service for which you want to make a clip.

6. Upload the finished video using the “Browse File” button or provide a link to the YouTube video and click “Continue.”

7. Choose which video format you want. You can select multiple options and click “Continue.”

8. Select templates; using the arrow, you can scroll through and see everything that is available on the service. You can choose several. Click “Continue”

9. In the next paragraph, you can specify your social networks to personalize the video. Click Donenext paragraph, you can specify your social networks to personalize the video. Click Done. This item is optional.

10. The video has started processing; it can take up to 30% of the time from your video. When it ends, you will be sent a notification to the email address with which the registration was made. In the end, you can see the work done, and if you need any edits or additions, then click on the button “Make Changes in Editor.” To download, click “Download video.”

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