Remove recently closed tabs from browser history

Published: July 12, 2022

Last Modified: March 26, 2023

Remove recently closed tabs from browser history

Mozilla Firefox

In all modern browsers, there are two ways to clear the history of recently closed tabs. The first involves manually deleting certain sites from the history of visits; the second involves clearing the history for a certain time. In the following, both methods will be presented for all web browsers.

Download Mozilla Firefox

To remove certain tabs from the history that were closed recently, you will need to follow these steps:

  •  Open the browser menu by clicking on the function button in the upper right corner of the interface. In the list of options and sections that appear, click on the item “Journal”.
  •  Once in another menu, find the site you want to delete in the “Recent History” list. Right-click on it and select the “Delete Page” option.
  •  Do the same for all other sites that need to be removed from the history books.

The second method involves clearing the history of visits for a certain time period. This is done in the “Journal” menu, which can be accessed by following the first step of the previous instruction. In it, select the item “Delete history.”

Next, from the “Delete” list, select the appropriate value, and then make sure that there is a checkmark in front of the “History of visits and downloads” item (it is not necessary to delete the rest of the data). Finally, click on the “OK” button. 

Google Chrome

In terms of fundamentally different from Mozilla Firefox, as it was developed on a completely different engine, but in terms of visual design, the interface of these programs is similar. You can even say that it is more convenient to selectively delete sites from the history in Google Chrome.

Download Google Chrome.

  • Call up the browser menu by clicking on the function button located on the right side of the top panel. In the list that appears, hover over the line “History,” and then go to the section “History.”
  •  On the page that opens, there will be a list of recently visited sites, among which you should find recently closed ones. Check the box next to the ones you need, and then click on the “Delete” button in the upper right corner.
  •  Confirm your action in the pop-up dialog box by clicking on the “Delete” button again.


In this way, you can manually select the desired sites and clear a certain part of the history. If you need to delete the history of visits for a certain time, do the following:

  • Being in the “History” section, open the additional menu by clicking on the function button in the upper left corner.
  •  In the list of sections presented, select “Clear history.” The result will be the opening of a new tab in the browser.
  •  While on the “Basic Settings” tab, select the appropriate value from the “Time Range” drop-down list, and then make sure that the “Browser History” option is checked. Click on the “Delete data” button.

Yandex browser

Yandex.Browser has a heavily redesigned interface compared to other relatively classic web browsers. To clear the history in it, you need to go to a special menu.

Download Yandex.Browser

  • Call up the browser menu by clicking on the function button located in the window title. In the list that appears, hover over the item “History,” and then go to the section “History.”
  •  In the list of visited sites that opens, check the box next to those that you want to remove from the history. Then click on the button “Delete,” which will be located on the panel that appears at the bottom of the window.
  •  Confirm your actions by clicking the “Delete” button again in the dialog box that appears.

To clear the recent history, you will need to go to a separate settings menu. The easiest way to do this is from your current location by clicking on the “Clear history” item located in the lower left corner of the page.

Next, in a special window, select the preferred value from the drop-down list, check the option “Views” (the rest of the checkboxes are optional) and click on the button “Clear”.

See also: 10 Fixes: A Web Page Slows Down Your Browser


In the Opera browser, it is easiest to delete recently closed tabs, while the necessary sites do not even need to be searched manually; they are automatically displayed in the appropriate section.

Download Opera

  • To complete the task, go to the “History” menu by clicking on the corresponding button on the sidebar on the left. Next, hover over the desired site, located in the “Recently closed” section, and after the icon in the form of a cross appears on the right side of the line, click on it.
  • After that, follow the same steps with all the remaining sites in the list that you want to remove from the list of recently closed tabs.
  • See also: How to view the history of visited web pages in the Opera browser
  • The presented method is convenient if you need to delete a small number of recently closed tabs, but when working with a large volume, it is better to use another method. It implies batch cleaning of the history of visits for a certain time. To do this, without leaving the open menu “History”, you must first click on the button “Clear browsing history”.

In the “Settings” tab that opens, a dialog box will be displayed in which, in the “General” section, you can select the desired value from the “Time range” drop-down list. Make sure that there is a checkmark next to the “History of visits” option, and then click on the button “Delete data.”

Microsoft Edge

The Microsoft Edge browser, which is standard for Windows, is based on Chromium, so its interface and control logic are similar to almost all the web browsers listed in the article earlier. To complete the task, you need to open a special menu and select a site to delete it.

Install Microsoft Edge

  • Call the application menu by clicking on the function button located in the upper right corner of the window. In the list that appears, click on the item “Journal”. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H for this.
  •  In the new menu of the same name, if necessary, go to the “All” tab and hover over the name of the desired site from the “Recent” section. After the button in the form of a cross appears on the right side, click on it to remove the item from the list.
  •  Do the same with all the remaining sites that need to be removed from history. 
  • Note! The browser also allows you to delete all sites in the “Recent” section at a time. To do this, just click on the button in the form of a cross, located opposite this name.

By analogy with other browsers in Microsoft Edge, you can delete history at once for a certain time period. This is done in a separate settings section.

  • Open the application menu and select “Journal”, then in the list that appears, click on its title, which has the same name.
  •  After opening the corresponding tab, click on the button in the form of a trash can. It is located in the upper right corner of the page.
  •  Once in the browser options menu, select the appropriate value from the “Time range” drop-down list. After that, be sure to check the box next to the line “Browser History” and click on the button “Delete now”. It is not necessary to check the boxes next to other options to complete the task.