Earning income from Google AdSense. A Complete Guide

Published: June 9, 2024

Even before I tell you anything about making money on Google AdSense and before you learn any tips and tricks on how to make a lot of money on AdSense in this guide, I would like to stop and highlight that if there is An easier option to make money online is AdSense. I have tried  All types of activities  Almost on the Internet and yes, I have made profit from many of them, but if there is something that can easily make you a lot of money, it is Google AdSense.

Yes, there is an unlimited opportunity to make money with Google AdSense, but there are still many people in Egypt and around the world who do not know how to make money with AdSense.

Not only that, there are people (I don’t know if they live in the stone age) who haven’t heard the word “AdSense”. I’m going to write this simple AdSense guide with these guys in mind.

If you want to know more about Google AdSense, you can read How I Started My Online Business.

So what is Google AdSense?

Simply put, Google AdSense is an online advertising system operated by Google. It’s the opposite of Google AdWords, where advertisers from around the world collaborate to create and display their ads on Google and publisher sites (such as My Sites).

Google places these ads on its own search engine and on the millions of publisher sites that have applied for a Google AdSense account. Google doesn’t charge you to display these ads, but only when someone clicks on the ad.

So, if I apply for the Google AdSense program and Google shows advertisers ads on my website, I will get paid for every visitor click on the AdSense ads on my website. I have already provided more details to understand “What is Google AdSense?” In my previous article, I recommend you check out these AdSense basics. This article explains the various concepts of AdSense.

Now, before we continue, I want to tell you three myths about AdSense so that you can decide whether you want to read this entire article or leave it here.

legend 1

I talk to a lot of people about AdSense and when I explain it to them in simple terms: that I have a website, people visit my site, and when they click on AdSense ads on my site, I make money. Almost everyone says, “But I’ve never clicked on any ad like this and I don’t think anyone would.” Are you one of them? So how do millions of people around the world earn thousands of dollars?

Truth and Possibility

Just read the truth from Google here: “In the fourth quarter of 3.44, Google affiliate sites generated $30 billion in revenue through their AdSense programs, or 2016% of total revenue.” The link is https://investor.google.com/earnings/2016/Q4_google_earnings.html and Google distributes 68% of the revenue to its publishers (like me).

This means Google’s annual AdSense revenue is $13.76 billion and it pays out $9.35 billion to publishers. What do you think of this surprising number? That figure now earns $6.8 billion. And yes, would you like a share of it?

legend 2

You must be able to create web designs and have good technical and technical knowledge. And you should have good writing skills etc.

Is it true

of course not. Yes, knowing that they have an additional advantage, but it is not necessary. All you need is your desire to make money. Although there are hundreds of examples that I can show you, I am a living example for you.

I’ve been making money from AdSense for the last 5 years and have a few blogs but I don’t have any knowledge of web design or any writing skills before starting this.

I still don’t know anything about PHP, HTML or anything else in web design. And yes, if you had asked me to write even one sentence 4-5 years ago, I would not have been able to write. I’ll tell you how you can make so much money from AdSense even if you don’t know much about these things.

legend 3

This legend upsets me. When people (even some highly educated ones) say, “I don’t think people aren’t making money online.” On the Internet there is only fraud and no chance.

Is it true

I just ask them to either not comment if you don’t know, or they should learn and then speak up. Deception comes only after opportunity. AdSense, Clickbank, CJ.com, Amazon, Fiverr, Elance, blogs and hundreds of better opportunities to be able to leave such comments, but without knowing or hearing useless stories from your loved ones, comment on them.

Enough, now let’s figure out how to make big money with AdSense

How to get started with AdSense?

To start using AdSense, you must have one free website, website or blog. Yes, yes, definitely. This isn’t the only thing Google requires from its software. Not only that, there must be visitors who visit your site on a daily basis.

This all sounds hard to listen to, but believe me, five years ago when the site was hard to find, I was able to create one and use it for AdSense, but now things have changed a lot. Creating a blog with WordPress is like child’s play.

Within an hour, your blog can be ready to publish. There are a number of other free options to create a website and start earning Google AdSense. Just check one by one:

Blogger.com to make money with AdSense

Blogger.com is a free service from Google where you can create your own free blog. Since the service is provided by Google, you can apply directly to AdSense and post AdSense ads on your blog from the same blogger account. Find out more about it in our Bloggers Tour review. Watch this YouTube video to see how easy it is to create a blog on Blogger.com.

Once you’ve created a blog, learn about the different features and check out how to modify your blog with some tweaks. This is a free platform, so feel free to do some research and development.

Yes, you can also create one test blog first and when you are confident, create another blogger.com blog for AdSense. There are many places where you can create a free website or blog, such as Blogger.com, but you cannot use many of them for AdSense.

Moreover, Blogger blog is very easy to use and since it is a Google product, your content will get more attention. Once your blog is ready to publish content, you are ready for the next step, such as writing and publishing.

Don’t worry if you haven’t written a single sentence in your entire life, I’ll tell you how you can become a master of writing. But before that, just take a look at other options other than blogger.com.

AdSense Revenue Sharing Sites

A revenue sharing website is a site where you can create an account, write content and promote it, and the money earned from your posts will be shared.

There are hundreds of revenue sharing sites like HubPages, Squidoo, etc. where you can create a free account and start writing on these sites. But what makes HubPages, Squidoo or any other site different from blogger.com?

The main difference is that all the content written on such sites has very high authority in search engines and ranks well as the content evolves. On blogger.com, your blog will be a separate blog and if your blog is weak, your content will not rank well.

Another difference is that all the settings on revenue sharing sites are ready and you only need to write the content after you create your account.

In other words, it can be said that there is very limited control over the setup and appearance of these sites.

There are many people who are getting paid full time with Google AdSense and other earning programs just by writing on sites like HubPages.com, Squidoo.com, etc. Here are the 5 best revenue sharing sites you can start with earn:

  • Hubpages
  • Mypayingcryptoads
  • Information barrel
  • Advertising crypto
  • Questworld

Not only AdSense, they will also subscribe to  the income generated about  Affiliate Marketing   sites for  Clickbank, Amazon, eBay, etc. 

While both blogger.com and profit sharing sites are good for a startup, they both have limited capabilities in terms of writing, design, and many other things you want to do. Since this is a free account, you are always treated as a guest. There are many limitations and you may not be able to use your full potential as a writer.

This is where most people don’t like such free platforms. They choose their own paid hosting with their own domain, such as www.YourName.com. And with a free blogging program like WordPress, you can create a great blog.

Earning money with AdSense on a WordPress.org blog

I bet there are thousands of people like me who will say, “I love working in WordPress” or “WordPress is my buddy.” After all, WordPress has changed the lives of millions of people who work with it day and night.

People who identify themselves as bloggers or internet marketers know this. It may take some time to understand how to create a WordPress blog and how to make money with Google AdSense and other software with WordPress, but once you know WordPress, you will be singing the same song as thousands of people and of course… like me.

What is WordPress?

Wikipedia explains: “WordPress is a free, open-source blogging and content management platform (CMS) powered by PHP and MySQL. It has many features including a plugin architecture and templating system. WordPress powers more than 14.7% of Alexa Internet’s “million sites” and 22% of all new sites in August 2011. WordPress is currently the most widely used CMS on the Internet. ”

But in very simple terms – if you have your own domain and hosting (purchased from a hosting provider) like  BlueHost , HostGator  etc., you can  Install WordPress software on your hosting and start running a WordPress blog.  Then you will have complete freedom to create your website the way you want.

You can add as many free apps or plugins to your blog as you want to make your blog function the way you want. There are thousands of templates and plugins available to change the layout, layout, customization and performance of your blog.

I mean, it’s hard to do it all!!

no never. So simple. Just imagine, you tried to learn how to ride a bicycle or drive an ATV for the first time. You might think you’ll never know. But once you get the hang of it, think about how easy it is?

Why have you never thought, when thousands of stupid people can learn this, why not you? So even from a distance it is difficult to see. Yes, if anyone needs to learn any technical course to start a blog, it may be difficult, but it is like learning to drive 4 wheels and anyone can learn it. Just check here simple steps –

Buy your domain and hosting from your hosting provider and create an account.

Login to your account and install WordPress on your hosting with one click. You will receive your WordPress username and password.

Login to your WordPress account, install a free template, a few plugins and your blog is ready. WordPress has written good documentation on this topic and you can access it here. Only from these documents  you will learn everything about WordPress settings.

But how much does it cost?

Oh, that’s not true at all. You can buy a domain and hosting for just $60 for one year. With some tricks and discount coupons, you can even get a great deal for much less than $60. So I don’t think trying to blog on WordPress instead of using Blogger.com or revenue sharing sites is too much.

Even if you make $100 a week from AdSense, you can get your hosting fees back. But who the hell does all this for one dollar a week. You need a very large income from AdSense. So there is a lot of smart and hard words in WordPress blogs, and your desire to earn and learn can make you achieve it.

Content writing is the next step in creating a website for Google AdSense

Nobody is a writer. Writing is based on experience or knowledge. Everyone in this world is interested in at least one topic. This means that there is at least one topic that you will be interested in reading in the newspaper, watching on TV, on blogs, among friends, or wherever you hear about it.

You are health conscious, you are more concerned about health related topics, you are a cricket or football fan, you will watch cricket or football matches on TV, read more in newspapers or discuss with a friend.

You may be interested in finance, relationships, tourism, politics, mobile phones, gadgets, Bollywood, Hollywood and endless topics. So when there is some discussion about it, you can talk about it. So when you can talk about something, you can even write about it.

And yes, writing is easier when you talk because you don’t have more time to talk, but you have a lot of time before you write another sentence. So, do you get my point? Am I right or am I right (KD language)?

Write what you already know

So what do I want to say? I’m just asking you to start writing about what you already know. People want to hear you, what you know, and your opinions and objections on certain topics.

People want to hear what you want about xyz, what your opinion is, where you object, why you like something or why you don’t like something. They want to hear everything from you.

Gain more and more knowledge about a topic by reading blogs, books, and other newspapers and writing down what you learn in your own words. The more attractive content you write on your blogs, the more people will like and message their friends via email, facebook, twitter, etc.

And yes, the biggest source of traffic i.e. Google sees all of this and it will be greatly appreciated by Google as Google will send more traffic to your site. More people visiting your site means more earnings with Google AdSense.

recording source

People have already written everything on every topic, so you need to write something different in your own way. There is a lot of content on the Internet, and you can follow the blogs of some famous people in your niche.

You can also use Google Alerts so that when someone posts about something, they contact you directly. By email, you can watch videos on YouTube and other video sharing sites. You can subscribe to it. You should read wherever you can and only reading can make you write good content.

Limited writing and repetition

Try to regularly write at least one article per week. Write at least 500 to 1500 words per article every week. Readers are not interested in reading more than 1500 words, so try to shorten the article and write only the important points if the article is long. By adopting this habit, you will get constant traffic from Google and constant income from AdSense.

The next step is to apply for a Google AdSense account

This is one of the very important points because you will not earn any money if AdSense rejects your application. According to AdSense policy, you must have a very useful website that owns a 6 month old domain. But don’t worry because in many cases AdSense approves the account even for new websites and blogs.

Don’t consider AdSense for at least one month. You just need to focus on writing and writing well. Before applying for AdSense, write at least 10-12 high-quality articles on your blog. Once your site is at least one month old, you can apply for AdSense at Google.com/AdSense.

It takes 7-7 days for Google AdSense to be approved. In most cases, Google will give you consent if you continue as told. In rare cases, they may reject your application. You can then write more articles and apply again in a month, now there is a very good chance that your account will be approved.

Note – Do not try to get your approval through other AdSense account sellers. It may work on a temporary basis, but after some time it will be disabled and you may be permanently banned from opening a Google AdSense account. Try to get approval in your own way.

The next step  is to start earning money  with Google AdSense

adsense ready
Mail from adsense when your site is ready to show ads

Once you get approved, you can think about making money from AdSense. If you’re really looking for AdSense as a full-time source of income, don’t expect any money in the first 3-6 months. You are building a full-fledged AdSense empire, so building the empire will take some time.

Here are a few steps you can follow once your blog is ready and you blog on a regular basis.


To use AdSense ads on your blog, simply log into your AdSense account, click “My Ads” and then click “Content Ad Units”. After clicking on Ad Units, click New Ad Units.

Once you click on New Ad Units, you will be presented with various settings options as shown in the image below.

Use the name section to give your ad unit a name.

It will then ask you for the ad size. There are many different ad sizes for one wide full-size banner (728 x 90), vertical skyscraper (160 x 600 or 120 x 600), square (200 x 200 or 250 x 250) or rectangle (300 x 250, 336 x 280).

You can use them as per your website’s requirements, but the 4 original ad sizes given in the recommended list give you the maximum profit. In addition to these ad types, there are linked ads listed at the end of the drop-down list.

This is not a real advertisement, but a link to an advertisement; So when someone clicks on an advertisement link, the number of ads will be displayed and if someone clicks on any ad, you will be paid.

The third column is the ad type. Google uses text rich media ads and image ads for AdSense. You can decide what type of advertising you want to use, try different ads at different times, and see which type of advertising brings you the most revenue.

Dedicated Channels The Customer Channel allows you to group ad units based on your choices, such as size or position on the page. You can track performance across the customer channel. You may have many blogs and many sections on your site, so you can use different customer channels to track the performance of your ads in different places.

Advertising Style It only works with text ads as you can change the font, color and background color of your ads. Providing a similar style to your website or blog template will help you get more clicks from visitors.

Just click “Save and get code.” Once you click on it, you will be taken to a page with some JavaScript code on it. Just copy and paste this code on your blog among your content through some WordPress plugin or sidebar so that your visitors can see AdSense ads and thus you can earn from advertising.

So what are the secrets to making money with AdSense?

I really want to write everything here, but this article is getting too long and I hope that if you are reading this paragraph, you must be tired and bored. So just do one thing: Subscribe to this blog so that I can provide you more similar articles about AdSense Income Secrets, AdSense Tips and Tricks and other versions of other paid earning programs.

In our next articles you will learn about things like:

How to improve CTR

This is the only factor that can improve your earnings. There could be many reasons for this, such as your site is showing boring ads, wrong layout, wrong size, location, etc. Even CTR from 2% or 3% to 5% or even 8% or 9% like I above Double or triple your gains can be achieved in just 5 minutes using a few simple tricks.

How to increase your cost per click

You get really annoyed when you see $0.01 or $0.05 per click in your account. Given the same number of visits, the same number of visitors and the same click-through rate, how can you increase your AdSense income by 5x or 10x? These are the only AdSense secrets that can increase your income manifold.

How to improve traffic

With just a little effort you put into editing your articles, some types of search engine optimization can bring you a lot of traffic.


You are still working on one website and this is also not giving the desired results. Go ahead, start creating as many simple AdSense sites as possible, work for a few days on each site, and let it bring you a lifetime income. Yes it is possible. This is one of the hidden secrets of AdSense that many internet marketers do not want to reveal. And the most important thing-


Google deactivates hundreds of accounts every day. There are many Google rules you need to understand.

Even one violation of the deadline can block your account for a long time. But could you please read Google’s technical terms and policies as well as the boring lines? Know all the terms in a very interesting and simple way and follow the rules so that you do not violate this policy even without your knowledge.

I hope this article is not the same as a boring AdSense tutorial and you liked it. I’m just trying to figure out how to create the most powerful system for making money online like Google AdSense. If you want to earn money from Google AdSense, I recommend you to subscribe to this blog so that you always get updates about Google AdSense earnings and AdSense secrets.